Meet my friend Khaled Bayed and hear the extraordinary story of how we connected online this winter and were meant to meet. Khaled is a hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner and sound healer who grew up in Dubai. Around the same time as I, we both had a calling from the universe to move to Bali, and then connected through co-incidence (or not!) online when they were both home in Dubai for winter. Khaled and I are now excited to be collaborating with the Mindful Life Practice to bring you a Free Manifestation Yin & Hypnotic Meditation this upcoming Sunday - book now to snag your spot! Here is the link: https://www.themindfullifepractice.com/bookings-checkout/manifestation-yin-hypnotic-meditation?referral=service_list_widget&fbclid=IwAR19lPTPNOYgbTHPoAF6mq3pEOr9sCHr6AzH_Ez50f_gnCslrw38huVFO4E .
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You can now book private hypnotherapy/NLP sessions with Khaled on the MLPC. Here's the link: https://www.themindfullifepractice.com/hypnotherapy-and-nlp-with-khaled . Also...if you're not in the free Sober Curious Yoga FB group...GET IN THERE! https://www.facebook.com/groups/sobercuriousyoga/ See you on the inside! . Follow me on Instagram @alexmcrobs and check out my offerings in yoga, meditation and coaching at http://themindfullifepractice.com/.
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Full episode
Hi friend, this is Alex McRobs, founder of "The Mindful Life Practice" and you're listening to the "Sober Yoga Girl" podcast. I'm a Canadian who moved across the world at age 23 and I never went back. I got sober in 2019 and I realized that there was no one talking about sobriety in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, so I started doing it. I now live in Bali, Indonesia, and full-time run my community, "The Mindful Life Practice". I host online sober yoga challenges, yoga teacher trainings, and I work one on one with others, helping them break up with booze for good. In this podcast, I sit down with others in the sobriety and mental health space from all walks of life and hear their stories so that I can help you on your journey. You're not alone and a sober life can be fun and fulfilling. Let me show you how. Alex
Alright. Hello, everyone. Welcome back to another episode of "Sober Yoga Girl". Quickly, before we get started, I just want to mention that if you have not yet joined the free Sober Curious Yoga support group on Facebook, started this group a couple of weeks ago. We now have almost 1000 members, which is wild. So make sure you get in there for lots of tips and strategies and support around sobriety and yoga. And on today's episode, I am super, super pumped because I have my good friend Khaled with me today. And Khaled is joining us from Dubai. And I'm going to tell you a little bit of the story of how we met and who he is. And then we're going to learn all about his amazing journey and the work he does now. So welcome, Khaled. How are you?
Hey, Alex. Thank you. Thank you so much for having me here. So glad to be here. And so good to see you and hear your voice as well.
Nice to see you too. Oh, you go ahead, go ahead.
I'm glad that actually, I'm talking to someone who I can relate to because it's so beautiful how we met and our past experience of meeting each other, I believe, is really fascinating. So I would go and hold it on to you and you can go ahead with it.
Yeah. The story of how we met, I just think is like the most wild thing. So I do this Gabby Bernstein manifestation challenge every January. Well, this is the second time I've done it. And last January when I did it, that was what really kick-started my whole journey. And it was my first time doing anything related to manifestation. And I was in this headspace where I was like, you know, I really need to build up the Mindful Life Practice so that I can build my business and quit my job. And I really wanted to move to Bali. As you guys know, all of that ended up happening last year after I started these manifestation practices, which is amazing. And so I went on the Gabby Bernstein Facebook group for this year's challenge and I posted about manifesting moving to Bali. And Khaled commented on my post saying that I had manifested what he is currently manifesting. And so we got to talking, we got to messaging. And he told me that he had to go back home. And I said to him, oh, where's your home? And he said, Dubai. And as you guys know, people have listening or been following my journey, I lived in the UAE for the last five years, and I was actually in Dubai at the moment that Khaled was messaging me. So I had gone back to Dubai for Christmas to, you know, sell my things, pack up my life there. And so we met up for coffee and I was talking about our friendship last night in the Zoom yoga class. And I was saying that it was like two souls in the wrong city. That's what it felt like.
Yeah. And it was like, I just remember meeting you, and it was like this reassurance of like, Dubai is not for me anymore because I could feel the contrast and energy in the room of all the people that belonged in Dubai. And then you and I, who belong in Bali, you know. And it was such a wonderful meeting. And so we hung out all night. We had a great night. And then Khaled ended up offering me a hypnotherapy session. And what is it? Is it a future self regression? Is that what it was called?
It's called future life progression, where basically you feel and you see and you create a future higher version of yourself through a subconscious level in a time and a further time, which is actually what you experienced.
Yeah. Oh, it was amazing. So I was talking about this session last night with the people in the yoga class, but I was saying, you know, it was like, so I just had this pivotal epiphany during this hypnotherapy session about the way in which I am running the Mindful Life practice. And I had been running it from this headspace of lack and fear and stress and constantly worrying about not breaking even and not profiting enough. And I feel like part of me was like, destructing parts of the business because I had so much fear around it. And Khaled led me through this thing where I ended up realizing, like, wow, I don't spend enough time appreciating my team and my team of yoga teachers is like, what keeps the whole business going. Like, this community would not exist without this team. And I was like, I don't even think I've ever-- I've never sent them a gift. I've never appreciated them. And this session completely changed the way that I'm operating the business. And the business has improved so much since these changes have been made. And so I just thought it was like the most amazing thing. And so I'm super pumped to bring Khaled here and hear more about his story. And we have a special event coming up, which we'll tell you about later on. But that's kind of our story.
Amazing. I'm really looking forward to our event on Sunday, 20th of February, and to meet all Mindful Life Practice community actually over there. And I'm sure it's going to be one of our magical upcoming events for the whole members and for everyone who's joining from anywhere from the world.
Yeah. So I posted about it yesterday on Instagram, and we've already had 20 people sign up, which is wild. So I had to increase the amount of space in the class. So if anyone's listening and wants to join, I'm going to pop the link in the episode description. But before we get into that, I want to flip it over to Khaled and kind of hear a little bit about his story.
About my story. Well, this journey that I'm into it and how I got to Bali, how I got into the holistic path and be sort of following this spiritual journey. It was back in early 2016 when I was going through an accumulated bundle of traumatic events at once. I think it was that time when I got a huge call from inside me in order to pursue and start my awakening and self-discovery journey. Basically, that was the first step telling me in the inner voice inside me to walk into this spirituality and holistic path. I remember, as I said back in early 2016, I couldn't lift myself up. I couldn't find my pieces through personal broken relationships. I got redundant from my new job and had lots of family issues as well. And at the same time, I was going through lots of mental illness at that time. Unresolve mental illness. But later on, I knew that actually, it comes from my childhood trauma, my childhood wounds, which I never had the time in order to make peace with it. Not a time, actually, I would say courage because in order to retouch our inner child and go back to them and see exactly what happened and in one angle, we have to look into that. I didn't have the courage to do that. And it came in such a huge slap on my face in 2016 that I'm like, there is something out of it to unfold my whole journey. I remember I had only one solution in order to get over everything which was going on at once, and that was to take off my own life. And fortunately, due to an unsuccessful attempt to commit suicide that I had to go through, and what's this calling me and told me, Khaled, you need to get up, get your stuff together. And very soon you will be celebrating a day like today. Very soon you will be where you're going to help lots of guides and lots of souls and many other Khaled's with the past, or with a similar experience, similar journeys that you need to lift them up. And I never had this courage again to listen to myself. And I remember the first holistic modality that I walked into. It was a sound healing meditation. And I'm like sounds. Why the sound? I remember after the decision, after a decision, I'm like, why does sound healing? It's like, so familiar to my soul that the sound of vibration, the frequency which is entering my mind, it's so familiar to the cells, to my muscles, which was trying to harmonize the pain, actually that I was going through during those times. And the second one, the second holistic modality that was really, really powerful was hypnosis. And also right after the hypnosis session that I had at that time with my master, bless her heart. And I'm like, whoa, that was it? With one single session, all this, the root causes of my attachment of the pain that I was going through, of the belief pattern that I could never have the courage in order to neutralize them. Only one session, like how that's possible? And I did a second session for different topics, a third session for different challenges and different issues. And that was a wake-up call for me when I'm like, well, I want to be a hypnotherapist. I want to make sure that I want to get up not only for myself but for many other Khaled's with similar experiences, with similar childhood paths. To bring at least one person's life into their soul and help them and guide them in order to heal themselves. My relationship with myself since then, it's been a journey, a journey that shaped me and prepared me for who I am today. Again, as someone who has always been in a childhood trauma, got lost in domestic abuse and trauma and battle with lots of depression, lots of anxiety, and lots of PTSD in my early 20s, these gave me tools in order to transfer to others and help them to try and create even little bit of self evolutionary insight souls which is around us.
Wow. And you know, you have been through so much. And thank you for being vulnerable and sharing that with us. And I just think it's so true that when you see people, you are like a bright light. You have this beautiful energy which is so grounded and special. Sometimes when we meet people like that, we just think that it's like a natural thing that they're born with. And the reality is that most people who have that type of energy have been through so much that they've had to overcome and transform and to become into the person that they are. And I think you're like the perfect example of that, like, you've been through so much and it's turned you into this resilient and beautiful person that you are today.
Exactly. Thank you. Thank you so much for that, Alex. To be honest, these vulnerabilities and actions to seek help were not my weakness at that time, but my strength and evolution over a time that has brought me to where I am today, to be honest. I did show up to myself. I found amazing facilitators along the way, amazing people along the way who held lots of compassion and listens for my unfolding. And that's what happened a year ago. I felt inspired to do the same, to be a facilitator, to be a guide, to be a lightworker for souls who are in the same process of their self-revolution. And this is what made me get inspired and book my ticket. And after actually lots of other unsuccessful events which you know about that in order to go to land in Bali. About a year and a half ago where I thought actually my place, my soul belongs to another place. I had a job offer in order to go to Germany. Actually, I was all over the moon in order to start my new chapter, my new life in Germany. It took me six months running like a headless chicken, trying to figure out everything, get the visa sorted out, learn the language, pass the language test, open a bank account, make a connection, book accommodation. And, and, and. And, I sold everything that in Dubai. I grew up in Dubai, so imagine how much stuff that I had there. I sold everything and it was me, two suitcases sitting on a sofa at my brother's place. And I remember just four days, right before my plane to take off to go to Germany. They closed the borders because of the pandemic. And I couldn't believe at that time that was happening. I'm like, no, no, come on, universe. God, whoever you on top of my head trying to do whatever you do, you can't do this to me, right, four days before. Actually, I've been running for the whole of this process for six months, trying to get what I have always dreamed of? No, no, no. We need to slow down. I need to get there. I have to get there. I remember I knocked on every door trying to get there. I got in touch with embassies, with any governmental entities, like, guys, I have a work visa, this is my recommendation, this is a bank account, this is insurance. Everything. Trying to get there. But it never happened. It never happened until downwards six months later on, when my visa got expired, they weren't even issuing their new visa. I was devastated. I was devastated, I'm like, that was my planning. Still, it was my planning at that time, trying to get there. I'm like what was inside the whole scenario? That the plane, that plane never took off for me. But after running, like pursuing the dreams that I've always had in order to go because right before that, I did go to Europe quite a lot and I traveled Germany several times and I was on the decision, I'm like, I feel like I belong there. And I'm like, okay, the plan B, maybe it's Dubai, maybe it's time to keep staying in Dubai. And that has will never happen. I keep going to job interviews, passing on my CV as someone who grew up in Dubai and has lots of connections, going to the second round or even last round of interviews and then, like, sorry, Mr. Bayed, you couldn't make it or they chose another individual or they freeze the position or anything. I remember there was a time, I mean, Bali, to pursue my holistic path. It was my Plan C. I knew, like, right deep into my heart, I had to go that path. But I didn't have that push. I didn't have that courage to listen to my inner voice. And I knew that back in 2016 when I went through all these traumatic events, I meant to, not only to heal myself but help others to heal themselves as well. But where was the attention to that inner voice? It wasn't there. I wasn't listening to it. I was getting slapped from left and right and blessed my best friend, who I consider my soul mate as well. She said, Khaled, you're blind. You always wanted to be a therapist. You always wanted to be a spiritual coach. You always wanted to be a hypnotherapist. You heal yourself through so many traumatic events for many years, through sound healing, through hypnosis, through NLP. I was like, no, just give me two more weeks. One more month. I'm still waiting for other interviews. I'm still waiting for other companies to get back to me. And it never happened. I hit my knees asking the universe, and, like, drop me a sign. Although at that time, Alex, I knew inside myself I had to pursue Bali. I had to go there because things were lined up for me. However, I hit my knees and I asked the universe, I'm like, drop me something. I gave up. Drop me something, showing me that I have to pursue that. Two days later on, coming back again from one of those unsuccessful interviews, entering my lift, coming back to my apartment, and I was tired. It was midday, and a food delivery guy entered the lift with me. And usually, I was so tired in order to try to pay attention to what kind of bag or what kind of food he's delivering in my building. When I looked at the bag, it was written in a little Bali restaurant. I'm like, oh, my God. Like, it hit me so hard. It resonated so hard. I'm like, as someone who grew up in Dubai, I don't know many Indonesian. I don't know any actually Indonesian restaurants in Dubai. I'm sure you don't either.
None. You told me this story at Christmas, and I thought it was so funny because I was like, I cannot tell you one Indonesian restaurant in the entire country of the UAE.
Exactly. I'm like, how is this possible? And that hit me so hard. Even the delivery guy, he noticed that actually, I keep staring at the food bag, and he looked at me in a way, Alex, you cannot imagine. I'm getting goosebumps now that I'm telling you this. The way he looked at me, there was a message in his eyes.
There was a message in his eyes telling me, pursue that. What you saw on my bag is actually accurate. Go after that. And I remember when I opened my apartment door, I had to go under the blanket because the feeling was weird. I have no words actually to describe it. I'm like, what does that sound? What that came up with, why I'm scared at the same time excited at the same time I have fear, like, going rash of this weird feeling over my body. And I told my best friend, I'm like, this is what happened. She was looking for that opportunity. She's like, Khaled, see. I told you that. I told you that. And that was actually the time-- and I got received many other messages as well, like opening the YouTube, seeing people are moving out of different countries, pursuing their dream of going to Bali. And that was the time I just picked up the phone and I called my agent in Bali. I'm like, please process my visa as soon as you can. And I remember when I landed in Bali, literally two days later, they closed the border to international flights. And I'm like, whoa, all of this just for me in order-- It showed to my soul that I have to be where I am right now. And I couldn't describe how joyful that moment was for me. How my soul was like, thank you, Khaled, for bringing me to where I am. Thank you that's because that really resonates. And that word led me today to go and be certified as a holistic and transpersonal hypnotherapist, as a sound healer, as an NLP coach, not bragging, but I could be more proud of myself, to be honest.
God, I just got shivers. I just got goosebumps. And, you know, I think your and my story is really parallel in that I went through this period of time where I was trying really hard to hold on to UAE. Hold on, hold on. And, you know, I quit my job. I started my business. I moved into an apartment. I literally was buying new furniture, got curtains for the apartment was like setting everything up. And like, everything was going wrong. Like, you know, the visa wouldn't properly come through. The apartment wasn't ready on the right day. Then the business started to go downhill. The business was not going well. And I feel like I was on my friend's podcast and she was saying that when everything is going wrong, it's a sign that the universe is about to up-level and things are going to change and there is another direction. And I feel like you went through that same thing of like, so many things going wrong and so many doors closing, and it was all happening on purpose, right, to lead you to Bali.
Indeed. It led me to a place where-- I was there for six months, and I'm going back to Bali very soon again. And I remember every person that I met on this journey, I felt like they were tailored and customized to my own journey as well. It's crazy. Before going to Bali, a good friend of mine who experienced living in Bali for about a year, he came to me and told me that, Khaled, when you go to Bali when you're on the right path, it doesn't matter. It can be Bali, it can be Dubai, it can be Germany, or anywhere else. But when you're on the right path and when you know where your soul has to be, you will meet people that you feel they're exactly customized and tailored to your journey, to your personality, to your path. And I met amazing souls in Bali that are not their only very, very close friends of mine, but I consider them as my extended family. And when these things unfold slowly, slowly, piece by piece, then you will realize this is where you meant to be. Because at that time again, when I was in Dubai, one, I never listened to my inner voice because I knew something there was telling me to go to this path? Two, I never knew how to surrender. And I think the moment that I hit my knees and I had to surrender, that miracle happened magically because lots of us, we believe like surrendering is giving up. But however, surrendering is giving over to and that was my moment, the moment I gave over the universe, to my higher source I'm like, that's yours. And all I need, all I'm asking is just drop me sign knowing that if that journey, of this journey, or upcoming journey, any journey which resonates with my soul and this is where I really ended up.
That's so amazing. It's so incredible. Yeah, it's amazing. So tell me about-- okay, so you do NLP, you do hypnosis, you do sound healing. I know a bit about sound healing and hypnosis because I've experienced them. NLP, I would love to learn more about, but I would also love I'm sure the whole audience would just want to know, tell us about these things. What do you do? Long question.
Long question. Actually, in hypnosis, when we do hypnosis on different individuals, you go into a deep state of relaxation until your brain reaches the theta state. Once we reach that state, we access directly to the subconscious mind. This is where all our learned behaviors, all patterns, all beliefs, all systems, and most important thing, a lot of childhood wounds and lots of trauma has been restored there, which we don't have really courage to go and access them and make peace with it. In hypnotherapy, when we reach the theta brain state, the subconscious mind is the most impressionable and gets completely activated during the session. And when we give that tremendous opportunity to the subconscious mind to be receptive for positive suggestions and for also new perspective towards those traumatic events and those current challenges that we are going now through in order to rewire and rewrite the program. And this is where actually, this is how I healed my childhood wound. I had to go deep down my childhood wound, in my childhood trauma, and see actually what was the reason behind all these things that happened to me. Why I never could make peace with it. And through the hypnosis, we go right to access--basically, I want to say we sort of manipulate the subconscious mind, but everything is restored there, but in a good way, in a way that right after the decision, you know that okay, that had happened to me because of that certain reason. And this is--
I had that old pattern of belief. I cut the pattern and now I have a belief system which is running through me through my subconscious mind. And this is actually, where a lot of blockages just get removed. Lots of blockages just get neutralized in our daily life. And I believe it's a very powerful tool in order for us to not only reach the point where we get the within inner, but also it amplifies our manifestation and power to get through something. Because a lot of our old beliefs, old patterns, and lots of our childhood trauma it blockages to the new reality that we want to access. We don't know consciously, we don't know, but subconsciously we do know these blockages come from past events. These blockages, there are memories are stored in our subconscious mind. We don't know how to access it. We don't know how to process it, but we know the moment that we neutralize that, we release them, we get into that reality shift.
With NLP, usually, I give NLP--NLP basically, is neuro-linguistic programming, where you reshape, you rewire the language of your brain through a conscious level, not subconscious level. So we do the hypnosis, and right after the session of the hypnosis, we go, okay, now we work deeply with your subconscious mind. How about now we work with your conscious mind.
I love that.
This is where NLP comes into play. And when we combine these two together, this is where the magic happens. And it creates lots of grounding balancing, lots of new realizations. With a session that I had with you, which we went through future life progression. I remember when you came out of the trends, when you came out of the hypnosis, you said, oh, I got this idea that I had to do this to my staff or I had to send that email or do this because it isn't subconscious level. Consciously you didn't know, but subconsciously you did. And you have to go to that state in order to bring up that realization. And I believe it's a very, very powerful tool for an individual to rediscover themselves from within.
Yeah. Oh, my goodness. It was so powerful. So I've had two different hypnosis experiences, and I think I might have told you the first story of how I ended up in hypnosis was because I was going through a traumatic event. And I called looking for Reiki, and the Reiki healer wasn't there. And I said, okay, is there an angel card? Angel card healer wasn't there. And then I was like, okay, who's there? And they said, Hypnotherapist. I was like, okay, I'm coming. And that was incredibly transformative because I was going through this traumatic event where I had worried that someone was, you know, villainizing me. And in the session, I was guided in to to talk with her, and she said to me, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from this. And I went to meet this person in real life. And it was basically that I had ended up in an abusive relationship with someone who was, you know, 20 years older than me. And she was kind of one of the older people involved. And that was the first thing she said to me, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from this. And I just cried. Like, it was, like, the most powerful thing. And so then when I met you, I said, you know, I don't really have any trauma that I'm healing. I don't really have any past stuff. And then you suggested this future self thing. Oh, my God. I can't even describe it to you. Like, I just-- you said to me, you know, imagine your ten years from now or something like this. You're looking at your team. What are you saying to them? And I was, like, expressing my gratitude. And then I was like, oh, my God, why the F am I not doing that right now? Why am I not doing that right now? What the heck is wrong with me? And it shifted me into this mindset of, like, this is not about me. I think I thought my company was about me, but it's not about me. It's about me lifting up and inspiring the other people in my company. It's me being a leader. And the thing that someone said to me the other week is like, the conductor of the orchestra doesn't play all the instruments, you know.
And that's what it is. It's like, I need to this leadership, this elevated leadership position if I want the business to go to the next level. And I don't think I would have gotten there had I not had that session with you. And so I really think, you know, we were meant to meet, and it's transformed how things are happening now.
Indeed. And I'm so glad that it had such a beautiful effect on you and also on the Mindful Life Practice community, where I believe with every event, I don't want to call that incident, but it's nothing without the meaning. And the fact that we could meet and I had to learn a lot about the Mindful Life Practice community. And you had to learn about hypnosis. And it's where the universe called us and see, when you surrender, this is what I'm going to give it to you. You may not get what you want, but you will get what you need. And this is what always we forget that we think what we want is our best, but we don't know what we do need for that.
So true.
I needed to know about the Mindful Life Practice community. You needed to know about sound healing, about hypnosis. And I think that's a beautiful thing. And I'm so glad that today I'm here and I'm sharing with you.
Yeah. And so Khaled and I, since we met, we've been talking about doing something together. And I'm super excited about the event that we have coming up. So we're going to be co-teaching a manifestation Yin and hypnotic meditation. And so I'm going to do the first part. We're going to do a little bit of journaling and some Yin poses. And then it's going to be passed over to Khaled and Khaled, do you want to tell us a bit about what you're going to be offering during that session?
Perfect. Actually, I'm really looking forward to that session. We are going to have 20 minutes of immersion of mind, body, and soul. Actually, what I'm going to try with hypnosis is to take you through a deep journey, through hypnotic meditation that would elevate your sense, amplify your manifestation power and suit this soul. And basically, here we're going to familiarize the Yin practice and everything through the whole decision with muscles and cells, through a sort of sensation that we are going to create in this meditation and showing everyone, whoever is attending, all the audience, that actually the power is within you and we are just here to guide you, to get what you want, get what you desire. And I'm really, really looking forward to that.
That's going to be amazing. I'm so, so excited. I'm just excited to experience, like, another session with you. I think it's going to be phenomenal.
Thank you. I hope so. And I hope-- I'm really looking forward to meeting all Mindful Life Practice community, and whoever is participating there.
Yeah, awesome. And another thing that we're also going to be setting up soon is Khaled is going to be available for people to book one on one, private hypnotherapy, and NLP sessions similar to what I did with him that I told the story about and that's going to be on the Mindful Life Practice so it's going to be already popped in this episode description. So if anyone is interested, you can click the link and learn more and book a one on one with Khaled.
Amazing. Looking forward to have, whoever needs any guidance, a safe space in order to go through different events. Always here and happy to help.
Amazing. Oh, this is such an incredible episode and I really loved chatting with you and reconnecting with you and soon, I remember you were saying, like a couple of weeks ago you weren't sure if you were coming back to Bali. And I was like, you're coming. Like I just picture us just hanging out here, hanging out, going to zest, having our vegan food. So I'm really excited to see you soon.
I remember when I kept asking you some questions and here and there about logic and I don't know, some stuff you're like, Khaled, stop asking me questions. You're coming. I'm like, whoa, that wasn't a big hit.
Yeah. It would be amazing.
Really looking forward to it.
All right, well, have a lovely rest of your day and we'll chat soon.
Thank you, Alex. Thank you so much for having me here. I'm really looking forward to contribute and participate more in this beautiful community and be just a little help for whoever needs guidance, whoever needs-- in order to self discover through his or her journey. Thank you. Thank you again.
Thank you.
Hi friend, thank you so much for listening to this episode of "Sober Yoga Girl" podcast. This community would not exist without you, so thank you for being here. It would be massively helpful if you subscribe to this show and leave a review so that we can reach more people. And if we haven't met yet in real life, please come hop on Zoom at "The Mindful Life Practice" because the opposite of addiction is connection. Sending you love and light wherever you are in the world.