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Amber Ham

Hi! My name is Amber, and I joined the MLPC in July 2020 when I needed a community to help support my alcohol free journey. I found that in the MLPC and especially the Sober Curious Yoga community. My yoga practice has evolved to include more traditional yoga including yamas, niyama, asana, pranayama and dhyama. As my practice matures, I look forward to including the 8 limbs in my being and existence. I’m so thrilled to have become a part of the progressive and inclusive community where we can share our dreams and become more unified as a whole. Not only has my practice grown, but I’ve also become more interested in helping others through their sober journey as a group leader for SCY circles. I am currently a student in the SCY Teacher Training! I’m grateful for this community and what it has taught me about myself and the world.

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