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Alex's January 2024 Book Recommendations

Writer's picture: Alex McRobsAlex McRobs

I have recently really picked up my reading again! I've decided to regularly share with you the books I am reading. Usually my books are on the themes of yoga, feminism, poetry, history, memoir, buisness, mental health...etc! I want to share with you the books I've recently read this month that I've enjoyed!

Starting with....

Yoga Life by Brett Larkin

Category: Yoga

I loved this book. Brett inspires readers to start to establish a regular home yoga practice according to your aryuvedic doshas. This book is funny, relatable, and realistic for a modern yogi juggling lots of responsibilities. I also had Brett as a guest this month on Sober Yoga Girl Podcast (listen to the episode here!)

If you want to order Yoga Life, here's the link.

Journey to the Heart by Melody Beattie

Category: Meditations

Ok, here's the story with this book! I read an essay from this book YEARS ago on someone's Facebook page (like probably ten years ago). It's called "Honor the Beginning". I found it posted on Melody Beattie's blog and started reading it often in yoga classes, and women's circles. I then found that there is a follow up called "Honor the Ending", too! I started reading that on the end of a lot of my yoga teacher trainings and retreats. Then, I discovered that Melody Beattie had updated her website and the blogs were all gone! I was forced to buy the book...and I LOVE It! If you have been to any of my yoga classes in the last few months I will often open my book to the correct page and read the essay of the day to the class.

I love this book. It's full of inspiration! Give it a read here.

The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate Category: Mental Health

The Myth of Normal is a new read for me, but I've had it recommended to me several times. I finally bit the bullet and bought it and can't put it down! I love how Gabor Mate mixes the mind body connection and how generational trauma plays a role in illness. This is an excellent read. I am not quite done yet, about halfway, but it's on my daily reading! Check it out here.

The Inner Tradition of Yoga by Michael Stone Category: Yoga

This book I've had on my phone for many years but never actually started reading it. I had some very LONG flights in December and thought it was as good a time as ever to pick it up! What I love is that Michael Stone is teaching about many yoga philosophy concepts that I teach in my Yoga Sutra Study Course, and it was interesting to read about them from a different perspective. You can get this book here.

Daily Reflections on Addiction, Yoga and Getting Well by Rolf Gates

Category: Yoga, Sobriety and Mental Health

I read this book when I first got sober and absolutely LOVED it. That was almost five years ago now! I still have a copy of it in my villa here in Bali and decided to re-read it in December. What I love about this book is that it's short, bite-sized reflections that bring in yoga, buddhism, and twelve step theory. There's prompts at the end of each essay which can be great to read, write or talk about. You can get this book here.

Chakra Yoga by Anodea Judith

Category: Yoga

I came across this book when I was randomly walking around in Vancouver this winter waiting for my boyfriend to come pick me up after having lunch with my friend! I walked into a crystal shop and this was on a shelf at the very back. I have actually referenced Anodea Judith for years in my Yoga Teacher Training courses, but had never read any of her books. Anodea is basically the creator of chakra yoga - yoga practices that can balance our chakras. If you've graduated from my yoga teacher trainings, you'll know that I structure them based on the chakras. This was a great reference to add to my bookshelf of books! You can read Anodea Judith's book here.

In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Mate

Category: Sobriety & Mental Health

I have had this book recommended to me for years and finally stated reading it! Gabor Mate is incredibly inspiring. He is a Canadian Doctor and he contextualizes addiction, and also helps us to cultivate compassion around addiction. One of his famous quotes is, "Not why the why the pain." This one again I haven't yet finished but have been reading this past month and have been loving it. Get it here.

So which of these books have you read, and which have you loved? Which do you want to read? What books do you recommend I read next? Comment on this post and let me know!

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