Meet Brenda. The lovely and sweet Brenda. One of the newest and devoted members of the Home Team. A brand new yogi, Brenda joined us just about a month ago when she decided to take part in our 30 Day Anniversary Month Challenge. And boy aren’t we lucky?! Brenda just adds so much to our community with her magnificent energy in every class she joins.
Brenda and Alex met when they both were School teachers in Kuwait.
“I met Alex while teaching in kuwait. As part of a professional development day at work we got to choose an activity and I chose a yoga class that Alex volunteered to put on. I remember little of the class as I was so relaxed I fell asleep.” Brenda tells her first and only yoga experience before joining us.
A few years later they both found each other in different parts of the world. Brenda moved back to Canada and Alex to Abu Dhabi. Thanks to The Mindful Life Practice and Zoom for reconnecting the two together.
Brenda enjoys taking classes like Restorative Yoga, Yin Yoga, and Hatha & Pranayama. As you all know the new All-Stars had to be featured on the blog and we’re so glad she agreed to answer our questions. So, here’s our star for this week....enjoy..
Hi Brenda! Tell us a little bit about yourself! Who is Brenda?
Brenda: I am an International Educator, however, at present I am in Canada and not teaching. I am preparing to move back overseas in the fall and plan to continue practicing yoga. Yoga is new to me but it feels like it’s a part of me already.
What inspired you to start practicing yoga?
Brenda: I was doing admin work at a job I was covering while being back in Canada and I got to the point where I didn’t think I’d be able to continue to do the job. This was because my neck, shoulders and back were very sore and stiff. I had been receiving the MLP newsletter and saw an ad about a 30 day challenge. I thought I’d try it and see if it would help with my pain.
Have you ever had any experience with yoga before joining the Mindful Life Practice?
Brenda: Just the one class I took from Alex.

How did you end up being so committed to yoga?
Brenda: I wanted the pain to be gone. In a very short time I could see daily yoga was making a difference in my life. The pain was easing up and I began to feel stronger - physically and mentally.
Did you face any challenges during the month of March?
Brenda: The biggest challenge was making the time to sit and be quiet for an hour. I do have a tiny bit of a competitive streak in me so I just kept saying, “You have to do this. You can do this.” I just knew if I didn’t complete it I would feel bad. Sometimes in life taking the easy road, is just that, easy, and this was one of those times I didn’t want to do that. I guess maybe I needed to feel like I accomplished something that was difficult.
What are the biggest benefits you’ve reaped from your yoga practice?
Brenda: The biggest benefit is my pain is almost non existent. It’s at a level now that I can live with. Another huge benefit was that I learned to slow down and shut the brain off. One thing that I gained and hadn’t even considered when thinking about doing the challenge was meeting so many amazing people in the MLP Community.
“I wanted the pain to be gone. In a very short time I could see daily yoga was making a difference in my life. The pain was easing up and I began to feel stronger - physically and mentally.”
What’s your favorite posture?
Brenda: I love the warrior pose and the child’s pose.
What’s your most difficult posture?
Brenda: My most difficult pose is the downward facing dog. I’m getting better at it but it is still hard for me to stay in that pose for very long.
What is your favorite type(s) of yoga? And why?
Brenda: My favourite type of yoga is Yin Yoga because we hold the poses for longer periods of time. The poses and stretches are exactly what my body needs in order to go about my day without pain. I also look forward to Restorative as it does just that - it restores and relaxes me.
Any words of wisdom to those just starting out?
Brenda: Make the time - you’re worth it! 😊
Thank you Brenda for taking part in our community blog and we’re the luckiest to have you in our community! I hope you all liked this interview with the star, make sure to share this post if you did.
If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comment section below.
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As always.. may you all be safe, happy, healthy, and free.
Thanks so much for including me in your community. Thanks also for the interview. 💕