Meet Ellen. She’s one of those dedicated yogis that continues practicing no matter the circumstances. All the way from France, Ellen was one of the many beautiful people who joined us for our Summer Season. She flows with us every Saturday for Mindful Empower focusing on inversions. Ellen and Alex met when Ellen stumbled upon Alex’s Instagram profile as the two share the sober life journey.

Ellen’s yoga mat amongst the chaos of renovating her new house
Flowing every Saturday with Ellen has been just a delight and so we thought it would be great if we get to know her more. Here’s her answers...
Hi Ellen! Tell us a little bit about yourself!
Who is Ellen?
Ellen: I am a 41 mother of 3, british expat, living in central france. I am a personal trainer, fitness and sobriety coach. I gave up alcohol 2 and a half years ago and havent looked back since!
What inspired you to start practicing yoga?
Ellen: I started 20 years ago when I used to run gyms in the UK. I had previously tried it and decided it definitely wasn't for me, then they hired a new teacher to run classes in our gym, so thought I would try it out. From the second I started her class I knew my life was changed forever.
Have you ever had any experience with yoga before joining the MLPC?
Ellen: I started to qualify as a teacher just as I moved to France, I then fell pregnant and stopped any practice! It was only through giving up alcohol that I fell in love with it all over again.

What’s your connection to the MLPC?
Ellen: I did one of Alex's workshops online and then signed up for some drop in classes. I love that I can share in a yoga practice from people all over the world, how cool is that.
How did you end up being so committed to yoga?
Ellen: It has so many metaphors for life that it keeps me grounded. I love the strength both physically, and mentally that it gives me.
Did you face any challenges during the month of July?
Ellen: We moves house after 18 years and are currently living in a renovation project!
What are the biggest benefits you’ve reaped from your yoga practice?
Ellen: Learning that it is ok to struggle and fall.

“I love that I can share in a yoga practice from people all over the world, how cool is that.”
What’s your favorite posture?
Ellen: Warrior 2, It literally makes me feel like a warrior!
What’s your most difficult posture?
Ellen: Anything inverted, I think I struggle with wanting to see the world upside down!
What is your favorite type(s) of yoga? And why?
Ellen: I like the Vinyasa flow, I used to practice Iyenger and love the time that you spend in each posture, really getting great form and taking the breath into the organs.
Any words of wisdom to those just starting out?
Ellen: I hear so many people say "I would try it but i am just not flexible", these are exactly the people that should be doing it. Yoga is open to anybody and everybody, and there are so many different teachers and types of yoga you just need to keep trying classes until you find the right one for you. Once you have, it can literally change your life.
Thank you Christine for answering our questions! We sure love and appreciate your commitment. See you soon in class. Join Ellen in Mindful Empower next season as we focus on All Kind of Binds.
Have a question or comment for us or Ellen? Leave them in the comments section below.
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See you soon and may you all be safe, happy, healthy, and free.