The third chakra is the third eye chakra, or the ajna chakra. It is at the center of the forehead, in between the two eyebrows. The third eye is associated with intuition and wisdom. It’s all about the cultivation of self-reflection (Judith 35 – 36).
In this part of the book, I share about my first year of sobriety, which I want to share about here!

Third Eye Chakra Merchandise
We sell lots of third eye chakra merchandise on our website, and it's super popular! Check it out here:
Third Eye Chakra Yoga Series
The intuitive series is a yin style series, inspired by the yama and niyama of yoga. We’ll hold deep stretches for 3-5 minutes at a time, designed to help release tension from the tissues and ligaments of the body. Whilst doing this, Alex will introduce to you and you’ll explore some foundational concepts from yoga philosophy. The yama are moral commitments and the niyama are ethical commitments. Each practice also teaches you a unique mudra, a special meditation, and offers an asana sequence that is relevant to the yama or niyama we are discussing. Expect to leave this practice completely grounded and having released what is no longer serving you.

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