Hello and welcome to another teacher interview, well not quite. This interview is a hybrid of teacher/student.
Meet Jenny. A long time member of the community and a certified life coach. Alex and Jenny met when Alex was doing her life coaching course and they partnered up to do a session for one another every week for a month as part of their course requirement. They kept doing it for almost a year after the course was done.
Following the official launch of the MLPC, Jenny was leading various coaching sessions for the community during Covid-19. Sessions like “Existing with the People You’re Quarantining With”, “How to be Productive in Quarantine” & “Accomplish More”. As well as inner truth meditations, which according to Yasmine our Podcast co-host would make you reach fields of lavender and lemons.
We wanted to know more about Jenny and her journey as a certified life coach and a yogi. So, let’s get into it...
Where in the world are you? Tell us more about yourself?
Jenny: On Tuesday September 15th I will move into my new apartment in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin
I grew up in Wisconsin and lived here my whole life.
I graduated from the University Wisconsin - Whitewater with a Bachelors of Business Administration and a major in finance.
I’ve always wanted to train and motivate others to success with love as my guide.
I have three children ages 21, 18, and 16.
I was married for 27 years and am currently going through a divorce.
I spent over 5 years trying to save my marriage and it has helped me gain insight and compassion to help others with their intimate relationship.
Last year I became a Certified Life Coach so I can help even more people in a deeper way.
I love the warm outdoors and being on the water. I love to paddle board. I enjoy hiking, boating, running, sailing, swimming, and memory making activities with friends and family as they are very important to me.
What’s your connection to the MLPC?
Jenny: I met Alex through the Life Purpose Institute where we were in class together becoming Certified Life Coaches. She and I were paired up to buddy coach each other as part of our practice to become certified. We have continued to this day because we find so much benefit in being coached.
What are the biggest benefits you’ve reaped from your yoga practice?
Jenny: A stillness that lets me connect to my true inner being. Can’t tell you how many times I have cried on the mat because I have finally slowed down enough to feel my feelings? Beyond that I have gained flexibility and strength.

What’s your favorite posture?
Jenny: Shavasana - I do yoga just so I can practice that pose :)
What’s your most difficult posture?
Jenny: Dolphin - there’s something about this pose that gives me a head rush and makes it very uncomfortable.
Down dog I am totally fine but bend my arms and it’s a different story.
What is your favorite type(s) of yoga? And why?
Jenny: I love vinyasa flow and gentle flow. I love how one move goes right into the next. It feels so natural and I like the stretching and breathing that goes with the movement.
How long have you been coaching and what pushed you to become a life coach?
Jenny: I have in some way been coaching others my whole life. From being the friend everyone came to with problems in high school to coaching the people who worked for me in business to be their best selves. Over 3 years ago I was trained in a quick change method that I started using to formally coach people to make positive changes in their life in a way faster than traditional methods. No matter what the initial reason was that people started working with me, eventually they all wanted to work on their intimate relationship. Luckily I was doing some intensive work on my own relationship and had already done countless hours of relationship research. I continue to expand my knowledge in helping others with their intimate relationships. I also became a Certified Life Coach last year to bring my clients the best techniques for positive change.
If you had to describe your coaching style, how would you?
Jenny: Relaxed, open, non-judgmental. I create a safe space for my clients to talk to me about every private matters.
"Can’t tell you how many times I have cried on the mat because I have finally slowed down enough to feel my feelings? Beyond that I have gained flexibility and strength."

What is the intention you try to instill?
Jenny: Gratitude for everything and connection to one’s true self.
What’s the biggest myth about coaching? Set the record straight!
Jenny: Most coaches will tell you what to eat, what exercises to do, what to wear to attract a mate, etc… That is not coaching. Coaching is asking the right questions and utilizing exercises to help the client find their own right answer that lies within them. When someone, like a coach, tells the clients what to do, that is not coaching, that is consulting. It is true that I do need to put on my consulting hat when working with people on relationships because there is so much that we have not been taught nor has it been exampled for us. There are many skills I must teach about how to have a good and healthy relationship. I ask the client for permission to share my expertise because then I am consulting and no longer coaching.
"Luckily I was doing some intensive work on my own relationship and had already done countless hours of relationship research. I continue to expand my knowledge in helping others with their intimate relationships. I also became a Certified Life Coach last year to bring my clients the best techniques for positive change."
What was one of your most heartfelt moments in coaching?
Jenny: There are many but this stands out because I helped this client save a lot of money and countless hours of heartache.
I believe that counseling is very important and sometimes goes hand in hand with coaching.
My client was seeing his counselor for many months agonizing over a choice he needed to make in his life. A huge choice that affected many people, his wife, his children, and his family and friends. This choice also affected his financial situation. This was a huge choice he needed to make and the sooner he made it the better. He met with his counselor every other week for months trying to decide what to do. Of course the counselor would not tell him what to do, that he must find his answer within. Excellent protocol but the counselor never helped him move closer to his answer. He came to me and finally shared his dilemma with me as we had been working on other things before. I knew just what exercise to use. I led him through that exercise and within 45 minutes he came up with his own answer on what choice is best for him. He felt so relieved to finally be able to move on with his life.
Where do you see coaching in the next five years?
Jenny: I see coaching growing as more and more people find success in working with good coaches. Personally I work with a counselor, a life coach (Alex), a business coach, and a relationship coach. We do not need to struggle alone. If your leg was broken you would not hesitate to go to the doctor. When a relationship is broken so many people limp along but I see that changing as they see the importance of healing.
Join Jenny this Saturday September 19th for a pop-up coaching session about relationships by booking here. Thank you for dropping by!
Have a question about coaching? Make sure to leave a comment in the comment section below.
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Until next time, may you all be safe, happy, healthy, and free.