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Community Interview #2: Audrey

Meet Audrey. An expat and traveler. Our friend and community member currently lives in Pakistan. Audrey used to attend Alex’s yoga classes during the time when they both lived in the city of Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Living abroad and moving countries (especially a country where finding a yoga studio is quite challenging) in addition to the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown, can be very stressful. Luckily, Audrey found the solution when she learned that Alex has created the MLPC. A virtual studio that is accessible from anywhere in the world and quickly joined our community/classes and started practicing again.

We wanted to know her more and so she’s this week guest on our blog. Here’s her answers to the community interview questions...

Tell us a little bit about yourself! Who is Audrey?

Audrey: Hi, I was working in Abu Dhabi for a few years before I moved to Pakistan this year. I'm from the U.S. and I've also lived in Turkey and France, but I've always found a home away from home in yoga studios and on the mat.

What inspired you to start practicing yoga?

Audrey: I started yoga in high school with my parents at a "seniors yoga" class. While they don't do much yoga now, I had some great teachers that sparked a great connection to yoga.

Have you ever had any experience with yoga before joining the MLPC?

Audrey: I've practiced with varying frequency since high school.

What’s your connection to the MLPC?

Audrey: I met Alex at the gym in Abu Dhabi and loved her classes! I found out she went online, which worked out because I wasn't in Abu Dhabi anymore!

How did you end up being so committed to yoga?

Audrey: I realized yoga was home a few years ago.

What are the biggest benefits you’ve reaped from your yoga practice?

Audrey: Yoga makes me feel better in my body, regardless of the shapes, sizes, or positions. It has been the best way to take a mental pause from life's daily chaos.

What’s your favorite posture?

Audrey: Child's pose, of course

What’s your most difficult posture?

Audrey: I can't do headstand yet, but have made progress - still on my "quarantine goal" list...

What is your favorite type(s) of yoga? And why?

Audrey: Almost all yoga, because yoga can be whatever you need - I like vinyasa and power yoga but also yin/relaxing styles.

Any words of wisdom to those just starting out?

Audrey: Surprisingly, it always gets easier.


Thank you so much Audrey!

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Until next time, may you all be safe, happy, healthy, and free.


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