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Yamas & Niyamas - 270 Zoom Class Archives

  • 272 Steps


Want access to over 270 of our past Zoom Class Recordings? In this program, we've selected our favourite classes that we've filmed since 2020. Each month will feature a theme from yoga philosophy. We've chosen classes that will give you a balanced yoga practice. Each week will follow the following structure: Sunday - Mindful Flow 1 Monday - Mindful Flow & Let Go Tuesday - Mindful Empower Wednesday - Mindful Flow 2 Thursday - Mindful Let Go Friday - Mindful Sweat Saturday - Mindful Meditation. Our Monthly Themes for the first ten months will be: Month 1: Ahimsa (Nonviolence) Month 2: Satya (Truth) Month 3: Asteya (Nonstealing) Month 4: Brahmacharya (Moderation) Month 5: Aparigraha (Letting Go) Month 6: Samtosha (Contentment) Month 7: Tapas (Self Discipline) Month 8: Svadhyaya (Self Study) Month 9: Ishvara Pranidhana (Surrender). We hope you enjoy the classes we've selected for you! This will allow you to complete almost a full year of daily yoga! Love, Alex

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app


Single Payment
Live & Archive Monthly Member


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