Meet Tasha. One of the All-Stars for the MLPC. She did the 30 day challenge for two consecutive months, July and August. And on her way to the third. Alex and Tasha met on Facebook through a group for teachers.
Tasha and the MLPC are the perfect match since she, being an expat and a traveler, found a platform not only kept her on shape mentally and physically but be part of a global community. During her challenge and the the whole Covid-19 pandemic, she was moving between Nigeria (her place of work), the US (her home), and turkey (her vacation) though she kept on finding the way to her mat.
Tasha enjoys classes like HIIT Yoga, Yin Yoga, Vin & Yin and Meditation. We are so glad to have her as part of our community and delighted to know more about her and her yoga practice...
Hi Tasha! Tell us a little bit about yourself! Who is Tasha?
Hi!! Hmm, who am I always seems to be the toughest question! I am from Minnesota in the USA- and here there is a phrase “Minnesota Nice” which implies a kind, non-confrontational, passive-aggressive personality in which I definitely resonate and feel that I am a product of my environment! I love to travel and try to live a balanced active-relaxing lifestyle. I have been working internationally for the past three years in Colombia and in Nigeria. I care a lot about social justice, community building, and wellness and am working on integrating these concepts into my personal and professional lives through education, yoga, writing, etc.! Also, I love Sia.
What inspired you to start practicing yoga?
I think that I came to yoga from a physical approach- trying classes at the gym I belonged to. I had really focussed on cardio workouts before discovering yoga and loved learning the different styles and building strength in a different way.
Have you ever had any experience with yoga before joining the MLPC?
Yes! I had been practicing pretty regularly for the past few years and started my yoga journey when I was a teenager.
What’s your connection to the MLPC?
Tasha: I randomly stumbled upon Alex’s profile on social media, and right away felt like the MLPC would be such a perfect fit! Like Alex, I am also an expat teacher and when I was living in Nigeria found it challenging to connect with a studio. During the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic I had been taking video classes but found that I really missed the chit chat and community aspect of my prior studio, and loved that the MLPC offered that even while being remote.
How did you end up being so committed to yoga?
Tasha: The MLPC really helped me, actually! I’ve been committed to yoga for the physical aspect for quite a while, but recently with the pandemic I have been able to really absorb the nutrients mentally and spiritually that my yoga practice facilitates. Also, the flexibility of the class structure at the MLPC make it hard to find excuses to skip a day!
Did you face any challenges during the month of September so far?
Tasha: September has actually been super challenging so far. I’ve moved temporarily and I am, as with most educators currently, feeling a lot of stress and pressure from the current teaching climate as result of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the social justice movements in my community. While I really believe that growth comes from challenge- challenge is also hard! My yoga practice really has kept me grounded during this time and I feel like for the first time since I started practicing I’ve been noticing yoga “off the mat” as I respond to stressors in my life.
“During the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic I had been taking video classes but found that I really missed the chit chat and community aspect of my prior studio, and loved that the MLPC offered that even while being remote.”
What are the biggest benefits you’ve reaped from your yoga practice?
Tasha: For me it’s all about community. It helps me feel connected to myself- which has a ripple affect onto others, my community, and really the universe. I love the messages that our teachers close the practice with, and really use them as a mantra such as when Alex says -may our yoga practice serve and benefit all beings. Once, Marc ended a class saying something like -may the awesomeness in me reflect the awesomeness in you- lol. It’s really changed my perspective!
What’s your favorite posture?
Tasha: I have always loved triangle! It’s so simple but such a strong posture.
What’s your most difficult posture?
Tasha: I’m not sure if this counts as a posture but it has taken me years to do a chaturanga. It’s really been my biggest yoga goal since starting to practice and I am still working to build strength there.
“While I really believe that growth comes from challenge- challenge is also hard! My yoga practice really has kept me grounded during this time and I feel like for the first time since I started practicing I’ve been noticing yoga “off the mat” as I respond to stressors in my life. “
What is your favorite type(s) of yoga? And why?
Tasha: Probably Hatha. I like that it’s slow but strong- I feel like it kind of fits my personality style in that way.
Any words of wisdom to those just starting out?
Tasha: I think that it’s important to really consider yoga as a practice- something where there is always room to grow. It’s super easy when starting out to compare yourself to others- and think it’s impossible to achieve certain postures and to seek excuses to quit. But really, what makes yoga beautiful is that it honors that each body is different, and even day to day our own bodies have different needs. When you commit to yoga as a practice you’ll find your body challenged and growing constantly- which is a profound metaphor for how your mind and spirit grow as well.
Hope you all enjoyed this interview with Tasha. Big thanks to Tasha for answering the blog questions! If you have any thoughts or questions leave them in the comments section below.
Until next time, may you all be safe, happy, healthy, and free.