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Community Interview #7: Jo


Meet Jo. Our friend and community member in the neighboring city of RAK in the UAE where Alex is currently stying. Jo and Alex met through social media and she join us for our tenth 30 day challenge in January.

As soon as Jo joined us, she felt at home. It can be very stressful going into lockdown (again) because of Covid-19 pandemic and having the kids all day. Luckily, her practice and the compassion of our community eased these stresses.

Jo likes classes like Vin & Yin, Pilates and Vinyasa Flow. She is our star for this week, here’s her answers to our blog questions...

Hi Jo! Tell us a little bit about yourself! Who is Jo?

Jo: I am an Australian mum of 3 kids, raised on a farm, where my parents still live. BC (ie Before Children) I was the National Business Manager for the Australian College of Natural Medicine. I went on maternity leave 16 years ago, fell pregnant while on maternity leave, and then we moved to the UAE - so I never went back to work! I am a stay at home Mum who studies random things like a Diploma in Forensic Psychology for fun!

What inspired you to start practicing yoga?

Jo: I started practicing yoga in 2017 to try to manage my anxiety. I practiced twice a week for about 18 months and then my teacher left and I stopped.

I hooked up with Alex on Facebook late last year, and around the same time my then Pilates teacher fell pregnant, so I joined the MLPC for the Pilates classes and started checking out some of Alex’s classes, and then some of the other instructors, and got totally hooked!

What’s your connection to the MLPC?

Jo: My connection with the MLPC is just that - connection. Being a stay at home mum in a pandemic can get pretty lonely, and I just love being part of a community group that is based on something positive.

How did you end up being so committed to yoga?

Jo: I just love how my body feels!!

Did you face any challenges during the month of February?

Jo: Hmmmm .... I am struggling with staying motivated. The kids are home schooling and I am very house bound. The certainty that tomorrow will be the same as today, and the uncertainty of what the future holds.

What are the biggest benefits you’ve reaped from your yoga practice?

Jo: I think flexibility. And patience! I am not one to sit still for long but the yin yoga challenges me to hold a posture and concentrate without my mind wandering to like what will I cook for dinner.

What’s your favorite posture?

Jo: I would love to say Warrior 3 but I am still trying to nail that one, so I would have to say bridge.

What’s your most difficult posture?

Jo: Down facing dog!! When oh when will I ever get my feet flat???

And camel pose, or anything to do with a back bend.

What is your favorite type(s) of yoga? And why?

Jo: I just love vinyasa. It ticks all my boxes - a good workout, I feel like I have really used my body.

Any words of wisdom to those just starting out?

Jo: I thought I knew what YOGA was - but I have discovered that it is more than I ever expected. Explore.


Thanks you so much for sharing Jo! We hope one day you’ll get to cruise through back bends. Show us some love and leave a comment in the comments section below.

Don’t forget to follow the MLPC on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok & YouTube!

See you soon and may you all be safe, happy, healthy, and free.


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