Note: Sometimes Our Schedule takes a moment to load. If this happens to you, try the 5-4-3-2-1 grounding technique:
5 - Notice five things you can see.
4 - Notice four things you can touch.
3 - Notice three things you can hear.
2 - Notice two things you can smell.
1 - Notice one thing you can taste.
This will help you feel grounded while you wait.
Do I have to be sober or sober curious to join the community?
No. The Mindful Life Practice is open to everyone! However, 75% of our members are participating in our sober curious programs.
What is included in the unlimited membership?
We have between 5-10 daily yoga, pilates, and meditation classes taught live on Zoom by teachers all around the world, as well as sober curious circles. All these programs are available to you with your monthly membership. All of the live classes are recorded, and later uploaded on the same day to our on-demand platform, which has thousands of classes. We offer a two week free trial.
What equipment do I need?
A yoga mat, and yourself! You could also invest in yoga blocks, a yoga strap, a pilates ball, and a bolster. Alex has picked out her favourite recommendations off Amazon here.
What is the live yoga schedule?
Please click here to see the most current Zoom yoga schedule. The amazing thing about our system is that it automatically converts to your timezone (as long as you aren't using a software that might alter your local timezone such as a VPN.)
Can I cancel my membership at any time?
Yep! Any time! You can cancel on your own from your account, or reach out to Yasir, at:
What is the difference between a "Sober" class and a "Mindful" class?
A Sober class is only for people on a sober curious journey, and includes a 15-minute check in for people to share how they're doing with the group in a confidential, nonjudgemental setting. A "Mindful" class gets straight to the yoga practice.
What is included in the Sober Girls Yoga 30/60/7 Day Challenge?
The sober girls yoga 30 day challenge is how most people start out in our community. It includes everything that the unlimited membership includes, plus:
-Workbooks with journal prompts
-Once a week private group coaching with Alex
-A private group on the App to connect
I am a beginner. Is this right for me?
We love beginners. We can't wait to help you fall in love with yoga. The best classes for beginners are Mindful Flow 1 and Mindful Let Go, however, our amazing teachers can help make any class accessible to your needs.
Is yoga for men too or just women?
Fun fact - the original yoga from thousands of years ago was actually only for MEN! Somehow we've stereotyped it to be a women's activity - but our programs are open to all genders. Some women feel more comfortable in a women's only space, and that's why we offer Sober Girls Yoga. However, all our general yoga classes are open to those of all genders.