Meet Marc. Marc’s a good friend of Gillian, one of Alex’s first yoga teachers and an MLPC yoga instructor. Marc and Alex met in a yoga studio where she used to teach.
“Read the bio for your class... not gonna take it.. sounds too intense.. but maybe some time.” Alex informed Marc the first time they interacted. Years later, 2020 / Covid-19 / the MLPC, they met in one of Gillian’s classes here on the MLPC and that’s when Alex invited Marc to teach. She kept her promise and finally took one of Marc’s HIIT yoga classes and she loved it.
Every week Marc brings us a sense of balance with his awesome and unique classes. Starting with HIIT yoga on Mondays, this class is broken down to three 20 seconds in action and 10 seconds in recovery for a total of 4 minutes HIIT sequences. And a yoga flow in between them. The second class is a Gentle Flow on Wednesdays, as gentle is it can get. With a playlist that is perfectly picked for each class, that would make you leave the class in a dreamy and relaxed vibes.
Marc has been teaching for the MLPC from the beginning, and we would like to offer our sincere apologizes that we kept you waiting this long for his teacher interview feature. So without any further delay, here’s the 250hr yoga instructor answers for our blog questions...
Where in the world are you? Tell us more about yourself?
Marc: So I am location in Kingston, Ontario, Canada between Toronto and Ottawa but I’m originally from Quebec.
How long have you been teaching yoga and what pushed you to become an instructor?
Marc: I have been teaching for almost three years and got into teaching as a way to give back to the community and to help people. Yoga has done so much for helping me in my life, I felt like it is something to be shared so others can have the same experiences that I did.
When did you start practicing yoga (before you started teaching) and how did yoga change your life?
Marc: Four years ago I decided to change my life. I no longer wanted to spend my time being the person that I was unhappy with. So I decide to become the person I wanted to be.
I Made changes in my everyday life to send me on a path of success. It started off with yoga giving me the opportunity to find myself mentally and physically. And then a passion for becoming the healthy version of myself was sparked.
Realizing that what we put into our bodies was just as important as exercise, I became interested in nutrition and the benefits that healthier choices had on our body.
Becoming a yoga teach only seemed logical as the next step, this way I would be able to give back to the community and maybe inspire people to take the same opportunities to find themselves.
Working as a yoga teacher has not only help me accomplish these goals but has giving me the opportunity to meet some awesome people and some amazing friends.
Everyday I wake up and say I’m going to go to the gym I shock myself. I can’t believe I have built a routine and kept with it. I wouldn’t change my new life style for anything I’m the happiest I’ve been in many years. I feel like anything is possible and life is there to be lived.

If you had to describe your teaching style, how would you?
Marc: I feel like my class styles differ with every class I teach, but for the most part I always try and incorporate a sense of strength and calm in every class. This gives you an opportunity to mentally find your mat and challenge your body.
What is the intention you try to instill in your students?
Marc: I try and share from my experiences, things I have learned, and things that have helped me. I try to incorporate mindfulness in classes to keep my students aware of where they are now and to be grateful for what their body is giving them.
I'm committed to learning, teaching and bringing freshness to my students. I live my life in such a way that I always feel like there’s more to be learned. I try to look at everything with a beginners mind, with new eyes open to new things.
What is your favorite posture? Your least favorite posture?
Marc: My favourite posture is really anything with a back bend. My least favourite would be shoelace.

8-Angle pose by Marc
What is your favorite Mat? And why?
Marc: Favourite mat is B mat I’ve had other mats before that just don’t hold up. B mats have long life and have an amazing finish that keeps you in place. There's nothing worse than sliding all over the place on your mat.
Set the scene for your perfect practice - paint us a picture!
Marc: My perfect practice get me out of my head. Most of the time my head is going a million miles a minute so I’m always searching for a class that challenges me and keeps my mind in check. The class doesn't have to be necessarily hard but can be mentally challenging as well.
What’s the biggest myth about yoga instructors? Set the record straight!
Marc: I would say the biggest myth about yoga teachers is that we have our sh*t together and that were perfect people. We experience life the same way everyone else does and we come to our mat for the same reason.
“I feel like my class styles differ with every class I teach, but for the most part I always try and incorporate a sense of strength and calm in every class. This gives you an opportunity to mentally find your mat and challenge your body.”

What was one of your most heartfelt moments in teaching?
Marc: I feel like I’ve had a few heart felt moment in my teachings. There are so many times that you can connect with people during classes that emotions can get heavy and tears may be shed. These are the best moment. You can help people connect with their emotions and help them let stuff go.
Any advice to newbies teachers/students? (And oldies?)
Marc: My advice to any teachers new or old would be to stay true to yourself. People resonate with honesty and can tell if anything is forced. By entering a class as your true self with an open heart only amazing things will happen.
Where do you see yoga in the next five years?
Marc: I feel like yoga will only grow as the years progress. It has become more crucial in peoples lives across the plant. I think people are realizing it's something that you can’t live without. I’ve never done yoga and thought “hey well now I fell worse” I always feel better.
Thank you Marc for sharing with us! Be sure to join one of Marc’s classes by checking the schedule with the link below
Tune in to Marc’s interview for the Chaturanga podcast as he chats with Yasmine and Alex about his touching journey to finding yoga.
Appreciate you the reader for checking out our blog! Leave a comment or a question for Marc in the comments section below.
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Until the next time, may you all be safe, happy, healthy, and free.